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Paa Kwesi Fabin, is accused of wrongdoing during the Asante Kotoko loss.

Paa Kwesi Fabin

Paa Kwesi Fabin, the head coach of Legon Cities FC, is under criticism for breaking the 2019 Ghana Premier League rules.

The accusations are related to their recent 2-0 loss at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium in their match against Asante Kotoko SC.

They are charged with violating Section 38 (8) (a) by refusing to attend the required news conference following the game.

Furthermore, it is claimed that Fabin intentionally avoided the news conference, which is considered misconduct, in violation of Section 34 (6) (d).

By Thursday, May 9, 2024, both the club and Fabin must reply to the accusations. This incident highlights how crucial it is to follow league regulations in order to preserve the professionalism and integrity of the sport.

The reputations of the club and coach are harmed by non-compliance, which also reflects poorly on the league as a whole.

After a debatable penalty was awarded, Steven Mukwala converted from the spot to give Asante Kotoko the lead after thirty-three minutes.

Five minutes after the interval, Yussif Mohammed Nurudeen scored the second goal for the home team with a spirited finish. The match concluded with Kotoko winning 2-0.

The Royals now have 38 points, down from tenth to eleventh after the loss.
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